Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Handmade [With Love] Valentine

(A homemade valentine from a few years back)

I love valentines. I especially love handmade ones, whether it is one that I receive or one that I make and give away. It doesn't take a ton of effort. Only a little creativity and a lot of heart. You can recycle an old newspaper, gently used wrapping paper from Christmas, a rock (see the heart-shaped rock in the valentine featured above?), or even a Shakespeare book. Don't be appalled, it was already falling apart and begging to be turned into a creative project, or two, or three... I know, it seems sacrilegious but honestly, this book love to be used in valentine projects, handmade cards, heart-shapes for a drawing, or even cut into oversized heart-shaped confetti for bridal showers, just to mention a few. And besides, the romantic words of Shakespeare get to live on in a different way. I think old William would approve.

So anyway, there are still a few days left to make your valentines (or galentines - valentines for your gal friends - a clever idea that I unfortunately cannot take credit for). So pull out your scissors, some Elmer's glue or a glue stick (even tape works in a pinch), some colored markers, an old newspaper, magazine, string, etc. Use your creativity. The recycle bin is your oyster. Jot down your favorite love quote, some words from your heart, or something silly and fun... you name it!

Of course, you could also sing a song for your loved one and perform interpretive dance at the same time in lieu of a valentine card. Speaking of dancing, maybe this year my husband and I will have to come up with a special Valentine's Day dance! Hmmmm.... The Heart Shaker? Or maybe I'm Wild About You? Maybe I should just stick to a handmade card instead? ;-)

Whatever you do, be sure to share a special moment with someone you love. Call your mom or a friend you haven't spoken to in a while or surprise someone at work with a cupcake or similar treat!

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